Monday 2 April 2012

LJ Hooker Willetton Client Night 28/03/12

On Wednesday 28th March 2012, LJ Hooker Willetton hosted an investor’s night to discuss the benefits of tax depreciation on rental properties.

The event was held at the Willow Pond Reception Centre, Canning Vale with Blake Currall from BMT Depreciation presenting the benefits of a tax depreciation schedule for new, old or newly renovated properties.

Did you know that if you have not already set up a depreciation schedule, it’s not too late?! Investors can claim the 2 previous financial years prior to the commencement of the schedule so long as the property was rented for the immediate 2 consecutive years prior. This was just one “top tip” that we all learned from the night.

State Manager Brian Reid also discussed the current state of the market sales v’s rentals which gave our customers a good overview of % growth of the past 12 months in both categories.

Thank you to Leoni, Shari and Cara from LJ Hooker Willetton for organising the successful event and to the entire team for their combined efforts on the night.

Keep an eye out for our next event!  If you have any topics you would like to know more about in regards to investing in real estate, please contact us as we welcome any suggestions you may have to cater to the needs of our past, present or future clients.